Appeals Process: Appeals Process for Financial Assistance Decisions | DFA - DFA
Appeals Process
Prior to appealing a decision, applicants will have to follow the Reconsideration Process.
Upon receiving the decision from a reconsideration, if the applicant or a member of their household remains aggrieved, they can apply for an appeal to the Financial Assistance Appeals Tribunal at by submitting the appropriate forms accessible at
Appeals must be submitted to the Financial Assistance Appeals Tribunal within 28 working days from receipt of the reconsideration decision.
The appeal must include the following information:
- the appellant’s name;
- the appellant’s address;
- the address to which documents in connection with the matter should be sent to the appellant, if different from above;
- the decision against which the appeal is made;
- the grounds of the appeal; and
- whether or not the appellant wishes to be heard personally or by a representative
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