Application Guidance

Before starting your application for financial assistance, please take a moment to review this page. We have simplified the process to make it easier for you.

The DFA is here to help individuals facing financial difficulties in covering essential needs like shelter, food, and clothing. We offer support for various living expenses, which you can explore in detail.

The amount of assistance we provide depends on your household's financial gap – the difference between your income and expenses. Assistance categories are determined based on this deficit, ensuring help is directed where it is needed most. Financial assistance may be granted when your expenses exceed your income.

When beginning your application, you will need to specify who is completing it. Here is what you need to know:

Applicant Completing the Application: Select this option if you, the applicant, are completing the application yourself. Your eServices account will be linked to this application, and all future communication and case details will be accessible through this account. Choose this option if the eServices account belongs to you.

Representative Completing the Application: Select this option if a representative is assisting you with the application. The representative's eServices account will be linked to the application. Use this option only if you authorize the representative to act on your behalf. Additional information will be required for this selection.

Other: If neither the applicant nor a representative is completing the application from their eServices account, select "Other." In this case, the eServices account used will not be linked to the application upon submission. Choose this option if the applicant does not have an eServices account, cannot create one, and does not wish to authorize a representative. Users who select "Other" will not have access to check their application status or view case details through their eServices account post-submission.

Now, let us provide details about the applicant and, where applicable, the representative.

How to Video - Eligibility 

 How to Video - Primary Applicant Info

Immigration Status: Ensure you select your immigration status in relation to the Cayman Islands. If you are not Caymanian or a Cayman Status Holder, you will also need to answer questions related to immigration links, particularly if you are a spouse or civil partner of a Caymanian or a guardian of a Caymanian dependent.

Mailing Address: If you have a mailing address, select "No" to "Receive mail by general delivery?" and enter your P.O. Box and Postal Code. If you do not have a mailing address, select "Yes," to "Receive mail by general delivery?" and select the relevant Post Office. The related Postal Code will appear.

Disability: If the applicant has a disability, specify whether it is mental or physical. You will be required to provide the necessary documentation.

Residency: If the applicant has not been physically present on the island for at least eight (8) out of the last twelve (12) months, provide a rationale (medical reasons or other) and you may be required to supply documentation to determine eligibility for residency.

Services Requested: Select the service(s) that you need to request for your household. Details about these services can be found here. Note that applications for housing repairs or health insurance are accepted by the Department, but decided on by separate entities. The Department will conduct a financial assessment to determine eligibility for the services requested.

Pines Retirement Home: If seeking financial assistance for placement in the Pines Retirement Home, complete and submit the DFA Application Form, all required documents, and a completed Pines Application Form.

Reason for Applying: Choose the reason why you are applying for financial assistance. Select "Emergency Circumstances" only if your situation aligns with the outlined circumstances, and provide the relevant information.

Imprisonment: If you are serving a sentence of imprisonment, you can submit your application up to three months before your anticipated release date.

We are here to assist you through this process. If you have any questions or need guidance, do not hesitate to reach out.


A representative is someone authorized by an applicant, recipient, or household member to access information regarding their case and act on their behalf. This authorization can be revoked at any time. A representative will have access to the same information as the person they represent. Information will primarily be provided to the representative if authorized and accepted.

Wherever possible, we encourage those who can act independently to do so instead of appointing a representative.
To authorize a representative, household members can provide any of the following:
  1. A written letter from a household member authorizing someone to act on their behalf.
  2. The Department's medical form completed by a medical professional or relevant medical documentation indicating the member's inability to make decisions.
  3. A legal document, such as a power of attorney or legal guardianship, authorizing a representative.

In all cases, the Authorization of Representative Form must be completed and submitted with the application or at the time of authorization. The Department will review and either accept or deny the authorization.

If a representative is accepted, all communication regarding the application or the specific member will be issued to the representative. If an email address is provided for the household member, they will also receive copies of relevant email correspondence.

Multiple representatives can be designated for a household member if there are multiple legal representatives.

Representatives will have access to all information that would have been provided to the individual they represent.

Authorization of a representative can be revoked at any time through:
  1. The represented household member revoking authorization in writing to both the authorized representative and the Department.
  2. The authorized representative submitting written notice to the household member they represent and the Department.
  3. The Department revoking authorization if there are reasons to suspect it was not given freely or that financial assistance is not being used for the household member's benefit, with written notice to both the household member and representative.


Emergency Circumstances should be selected as a reason for application only when individuals have no other means of financial support and are facing one of the following situations:

  1. Domestic violence
  2. Disaster
  3. Significant risk of harm
  4. Urgent need for aid

In such cases, additional questions will need to be answered. The purpose of emergency support is to assist households in gathering necessary documentation and submitting an application for financial assistance during times of crisis.

To qualify for emergency support, applicants must demonstrate one of the above-mentioned circumstances and prove that they lack alternative financial support.

For an application related to emergency circumstances, the following information and supporting documentation are required:
  • Completion of the Emergency Circumstance section of the Application Form with relevant details and a declaration of the applicant and household members being without other financial support.
  • Applicant and household members' details.
  • Proof of identification for the applicant, where applicable.
  • Supporting documentation, such as a letter from an external organization or contact details for someone who can verify the information.

Applications for financial assistance due to emergency circumstances will be processed within two working days upon receiving the required information from the applicant.

In situations where other organizations are providing support and services, especially during disasters, the Department may offer referrals in addition to or in lieu of emergency assistance.


Before you begin entering information for each household member, take a moment to understand the definition of "Household" that is described in more detail in the “Relevant Key Terms” section of this page.

If everyone you are applying with for financial assistance falls within the definition of a household, you can select "No" when asked about others at your address who are not considered part of your household. This option can also be chosen if there are no other individuals living at your address.

However, if there are individuals at your address who do not meet the definition of a household, select "Yes." In this case, you will need to specify the number of persons and provide a reason based on the definition of a household as to why they are not part of this application. 

Please note that you only need to answer this question once, regardless of how many household members you are entering. Detailed information about these individuals is not required in the application, but the Department may ask further questions to confirm that everyone within the definition is being considered.

Now, proceed to complete the information for every household member who meets the definition, similar to what you provided for the applicant. When you save the member's data, you will see them appear in the table, where you can add, edit, or delete members as needed.


To ensure a comprehensive assessment of your household's financial situation, income details must be provided for every adult household member. Even if a member does not have income, they should answer the income-related questions. 

Here is a simple guide:
  1. Select the Income (Start or edit link on the Summary Page) section for each adult household member.
  2. If the selected adult household member does not have any income, choose "No" in response to the income question.
  3. However, if the selected adult household member does have any sources of income, choose "Yes" and proceed to provide the relevant information. 
  4. Select the types of income sources the household member has from the list provided.
  5. Enter details for additional income sources. If the income source is not listed or there is more than one source of income of the same type, you can include it by adding an income source  "+Add Income".
  6. Once you have verified that the income detail is correct for this household member, you can save the member's income data by selecting "Save and Continue".

Please note that for each proof of income per adult household member, supporting documentation will be required. Refer to the Document Checklist to determine which documents need to be submitted.


How to Video: Guidance for Applicant 

To provide a complete picture of your household's financial situation, it is essential to report expenses for every adult household member. Even if a member does not have any expenses, they should answer the expense-related questions.  

Here is a simple guide:
  1. Select the Expenses (Start or edit link on the Summary page) section for each adult household member.
  2. If the selected adult household member does not have any expenses, choose "No" in response to the expenses question.
  3. However, if the selected adult household member does have expenses, select "Yes" and proceed to provide relevant information.
  4. Select the types of expenses the household member has from the list provided.
  5. Enter details wherever there are expenses to report. If the expenses are not listed or there is more than one expense of the same type, you can include it by adding an expense source "+Add Expense".
  6. Once you have verified that the Expenses detail is correct for this household member, you can save the member's expense data by selecting "Save and Continue".

Please note that for each expense per adult household member, supporting documentation will be needed, except for groceries, transportation, propane, laundry, or prepaid telephone/internet (top-up). While receipts are acceptable for money transfers, they are not required for other monthly expenses. You can check the Document Checklist for guidance on which documents need to be submitted.


How to Video: Guidance for Applicant 

For a comprehensive understanding of your household's financial situation, we require information on savings for every adult household member. Even if a member does not have any savings, they should answer the saving-related questions. 


Here is a simple guide:

  1. Select the Savings (Start or edit link on the Summary page) section for each adult household member

  2. If the selected adult household member does not have any savings, choose "No" in response to the savings question.

  3. However, if the selected adult household member does have savings, choose "Yes" and proceed to provide the relevant information. 

  4. Select the types of savings the Household member has from the list provided.

  5. Enter details wherever there are savings to report. If the savings are not listed or there is more than one saving of the same type, you can include it by adding a saving source “+Add Saving”.

  6. Once you have verified that the savings detail is correct for this household member, you can save the member's savings data  and selecting “Save and Continue”.

Please be aware that for each saving per adult household member, supporting documentation will be required. Review the Document Checklist to determine which documents need to be submitted.



For a comprehensive understanding of your household's financial situation, we require information on assets for every adult household member. Even if a member does not have any assets, they should answer the assets-related questions.

Here is a simple  guide:
  1. Select the Assets (Start or edit link on the Summary page) section for each adult household member. 
  2. If a selected adult household member does not have any assets, choose "No" in response to the assets question.
  3. However, if the selected adult household member does have assets, choose "Yes" and proceed to provide the relevant information.
  4. Select the types of assets the household member has from the list provided.
  5. Enter details wherever there are assets to report. If the assets are not listed or thre is more than one asset of the same type, you can include it by adding an assets source "+Add Asset".
  6. Once you have verified that the assets detail is correct for this household member, you can save the member's assets data by selecting "Save and Continue". 

Please be aware that for each asset per adult household member, supporting documentation will be required. Review the Document Checklist to determine which documents need to be submitted.

Important Note: The Department will verify household savings by conducting bank checks with all financial institutions in the Cayman Islands. This verification will encompass savings from both individuals and their businesses. The Department will request the following information about all adult household members and businesses owned by household members:
  1. Do the individuals or their businesses have an account with the financial institution?
  2. What is the account type?
  3. What is the balance on the account?

Additionally, periodic bank checks may be conducted on households receiving financial assistance to ensure ongoing eligibility compliance.


How to Video: Guidance for Applicant 


For a comprehensive understanding of your household's financial situation, we require information on liabilities (e.g. debts / loans) for every adult household member. Even if a member does not have any liabilities, they should answer the liability-related questions.

Here is a simple guide:
  1. Select the Liabilities (Start or edit link on the Summary page) section for each adult member.
  2. If the selected adult household member does not have any liabilities, indicate "No" in response to the liabilities question.  
  3. However, if the selected adult household member does have liabilities, choose "Yes" and proceed to provide the relevant information.
  4. Select thetypes of liabilities the household member has from the list provided.
  5. Enter details wherever there are liabilities to report. If the liabilities are not listed or there is more than one liability of the same type, you can include it by adding a liability source "+Add Liability".
  6. Once you have verified that the liabilities is correct for this household member, you can save the member's liabilities data by selecting "Save and Continue".

Please be aware that for each liability per adult household member, supporting documentation will be required. Review the Document Checklist to determine which documents need to be submitted.

Important Note: The Department will verify household liabilities by conducting bank checks with all financial institutions in the Cayman Islands. This verification will encompass liabilities for both individuals and their businesses. The Department will request the following information about all adult household members and businesses owned by household members:
  1. Do the individuals or their businesses have an account with the financial institution?
  2. What is the account type?
  3. What is the balance on the account?

Additionally, periodic bank checks may be conducted on households receiving financial assistance to ensure ongoing eligibility compliance.


To complete your application, documents must be uploaded for every household member, including the representative, where applicable. Please consult the Document Checklist to identify which specific documents are required for submission.

To upload documents, follow these simple steps:

1.    Select the Documents (Start or edit link on the Summary page) section for each adult household member or representative. The documents will be updated according to documents needed for this household member. Additional documents may still be necessary as per the Document Checklist and your circumstances and can be added to the relevant document categories and types.
2.    Upload the necessary documents accordingly. 
3.    Review the pre-populated document categories, aligning them with the document type you are uploading.
4.    Once you have verified that all documents have been added for this household member, you can save the member's documents.

Please note that all applicants and household members must sign the Release of Information (ROI) Form before applications can be assessed or financial assistance can be provided. The signed ROI Form grants the DFA permission to:

  1. Request and share relevant information with the individuals and entities listed on the form.
  2. Advocate for required services on behalf of the household.

For children under 18 years of age, those with parental responsibility can sign forms on their behalf. An authorized representative can sign for someone unable to sign their own ROI Form.

For more details about the Release of Information Form and how your information will be used, please refer to the DFA Privacy Notice.

For business or company owners, additional documents are required to assess your application properly. These include:
  • Trade and Business License
  • Register of Directors and Officers
  • Bank Statements
  • Financial Statements
  • Pay Slips (if you pay yourself a salary)

We appreciate your cooperation in providing the necessary documents to facilitate a thorough assessment of your application.


Please be aware that knowingly providing false evidence, false information, misleading details, or making a false declaration is a violation of the Financial Assistance Act, 2022. Such actions can lead to severe consequences, including a fine of up to $3,000.00, imprisonment for up to 6 months, or both.

Before you submit your application, it is crucial to ensure that all the correct information and required documentation have been accurately completed. The Department will exclusively process completed applications containing all the necessary information and documents.

For your reference, please review the legal consequences mentioned above before proceeding. Your honesty and compliance with the application requirements are essential to avoid any legal repercussions.


Act: Where it is not specified, this refers to the Financial Assistance Act, 2022. 

Applicant: The applicant is the person who submits the application for services to the Department and meets the definition of applicant as per the Act. 

DFA Portal: Where it is not specified, this refers to and the available information or functionalities. 

Department: Where it is not specified, this refers to the Department of Financial Assistance.

Dependant: As per the Act, a dependant is —
a) a person who — 
  1. is under eighteen years of age; 
  2. is not married or in a civil partnership; and 
  3. does not earn an income;
b) a person who — 
  1. is eighteen years of age or older but under twenty-three years of age; 
  2. is not married or in a civil partnership; and 
  3. is receiving full-time education at a university or other tertiary education institution; or 
c) a person with a disability;

Full-Time Education: As per the Act, full-time education means a minimum of five hours of curriculum instruction per day, excluding lunch and break times, for a total of at least one hundred and eighty-five days per year, or the equivalent hours per year, or any other duration of greater length as may be specified in regulations under the Education Act, 2016.

Guardian: As per the Act, a guardian is a person who lives with a dependant and who has the charge of and who is responsible for the care and well-being of the dependant;

Harm: As per the Regulations, harm is 
a) ill-treatment, including physical abuse, sexual abuse, and other forms of abuse; or 
b) the impairment of —
  1. mental or physical health; or 
  2. behavioural, emotional, intellectual, physical or social development

Household: As per the Act, household is defined as:
a) a person who lives alone at an address; or 
b) two or more persons, whether or not related, who live together at the same address and who – 
  1. benefit from one another’s combined income; and 
  2. share living accommodations.

Further to this definition, a household may also be of one person if:

1. there is an older person or older couple living at the address of their adult child and the others in the household are not seeking financial assistance;

2. there is a person with a disability who is living with other people and the others in the household are not seeking financial assistance; or

3. there is an adult in the household who is living with their parents and their parents are not seeking financial assistance.

Household Member: Household members are anyone who meet the definition of being a part of the household as per the definition above. Where someone lives at the same address but does not meet the definition of household, they are not a household member. Where it is not specified, applicants or recipients are also household members.

Further to this definition, if a household member:
  1. resides in their own property or
  2. is the sole lessee of a leased accommodation and applies for services,
All other individuals residing at the same address, including children or grandchildren, are considered household members. This applies regardless of whether those additional household members are also seeking assistance. 

Medical Doctor: As per the Act, medical doctor means a medical doctor registered under Schedule 4 of the Health Practice Act (2021 Revision).

Medical Officer: As per the Act, medical officer means — 
a) a psychiatrist registered under Schedule 4 of the Health Practice Act (2021 Revision); or 
b) a clinical psychologist who is registered under Schedule 6 of the Health Practice Act (2021 Revision) and, in addition, has a doctoral qualification in that discipline from a country or institution referred to in regulation 6 of the Health Practice Regulations (2021 Revision), 
and is employed by, or is allowed to use the medical facilities of, the Government, a statutory body or government company;

Older Person: As per the Financial Assistance Regulations, 2023, an older person is a person who is sixty-five years of age or older. 

Person with a Disability: As per the Act, a person with a disability is a person who is certified by a medical doctor or medical officer, as applicable, as having a short-term or long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairment which significantly hinders, or which may hinder, that person’s full and effective participation in society, on an equal basis with other persons. For purposes of clarification, this document refers to temporary or permanent disabilities, which would be determined by the medical doctor or medical officer. 

Recipient: As per the Act, a recipient is a person who is in receipt of financial assistance. For purposes of clarification, the applicant becomes the recipient if they are approved for financial assistance for the duration of approved services. 

Regulations: Where it is not specified, this refers to Financial Assistance Regulations, 2023. 

Representative: A representative is someone authorized by the applicant, recipient or member of the household to act on their behalf with the Department. 

Communication regarding your application or receipt of financial assistance will be directed to the applicant, recipient, or an authorized representative, based on the provided contact information in your application. If you need to update your contact details or designate a different contact person, please inform the department of this change.

If your application is complete, you can expect a decision within 10 working days. If your application is missing documents, the Department will contact you to request the necessary information. You will have 30 calendar days to submit the required documents; failure to do so will result in the closure of your file, requiring a new application.

If your household circumstances change after submitting your financial assistance application, you can complete and submit a Change in Circumstances Form.

Upon approval for financial assistance, you may be asked to provide additional documents, depending on the services approved. Learn more about the necessary documents here.