Important Changes to WORC Services

Grand Cayman, 27 May 2024 – In an effort to better service customers, Workforce Opportunities & Residency Cayman (WORC) will be going through a transition period and changes in services will occur.

JobsCayman Portal Goes Offline

Effective 11:59 pm on Wednesday, 29 May, the current JobsCayman portal will no longer be available. This includes payments, job seeker registration, employer registration, posting job ads, and applying for jobs.

Customer Care Relocates to Artemis House – 67 Fort Street George Town

Effective, Monday 3 June, the Customer Care services will relocate to Artemis House. Customers will be able to access the same services that were offered at Apollo House West such as:

  • Payments
  • Submission of Applications
  • Passport Endorsement Stamps

Customers can park at the Apollo House West parking lot and follow the signs to Artemis House.  All other WORC services remain at Apollo House West which include the Employment Services and Training & Development Unit for Caymanians seeking employment or training.


WORC Online Services & Temporary Payment Arrangements

 As the existing JobsCayman online portal goes offline,  a site offering reduced online services will be available on 3 June. This site is temporary and will allow the final developing and testing of the new WORC Jobs & Online Payment  Services which is anticipated to launch on 18 June 2024.

The temporary site will have the following key functionalities:

  • Employers can continue to post job advertisements on, and
  • Job-seekers can still search and apply for jobs on

However, payments must be made in-person. Customers submitting three (3) or more applications are encouraged to utilize the corporate drop bag to reduce wait times. Customer Care Officers will be on hand to review documents and ensure drop off is handled as efficiently as possible.

Passport Endorsement Stamps for Immediate Travel

WORC requests that during this time of transition only persons with immediate travel plans who want to secure a passport endorsement stamp to do so within ten (10) days before travelling. This measure will assist WORC in managing the high demand of this service as the summer approaches and persons travel plans increase. Persons are also reminded that a valid permit license can also be used as a travel document.

WORC appreciates your understanding and cooperation as these changes commence to enhance our service delivery. The office number remains the same at 945-9672, toll free 1-800-534-9672 or email For further updates on these changes visit or follow on Facebook and Instagram.

News Articles

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Grand Cayman, 19 October 2023 - Customers using the services at Workforce Opportunities & Residency Cayman (WORC) now use a new ticketing system that allows for more efficient service. This new ticketing system called Qlogik, was launched 1st September...
Workforce Opportunities & Residency Cayman (WORC) offices in Cayman Brac have moved to a new location. They are no longer inside the District Administration Building and can now be found behind the District Administration Building in a new office space referred to as District Administration...
Three Caymanian ladies have completed an intensive Care Certificate Programme within the first year of the 2-year apprenticeship programme and are now fully eligible to practice as Healthcare Assistants in the Cayman Islands. The trio, comprising: Ashley Swaby, who embarked on this path on...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Grand Cayman, 24 October 2023 – Workforce Opportunities & Residency Cayman (WORC) announces the appointment of two (2) Caymanians as Deputies to their leadership team, Allison Lovinggood and Mervin Manderson. Mrs. Lovinggood is now the Deputy Director of Business...
For Immediate Release Grand Cayman, 11 December 2023 - The Ministry of Border Control and Labour on behalf of Workforce Opportunities & Residency Cayman (WORC) announces that Cabinet has approved the appointment of new members to the Immigration Boards; namely the Caymanian Status...
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Grand Cayman

Apollo House West,
87 Mary Street,
George Town, Grand Cayman


+1 (345) 945-9672
+1 (800) 534-9672 (TOLL FREE)


Cayman Brac

District Administration Building,
19 Kirkconnell Street,
Stake Bay, Cayman Brac


+1 (345) 948-2222