Freedom of Information

What is Freedom of Information and How Does it Affect You?


The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act was enacted in on 1st January 2009, with a view to promoting accountability and transparency across all Government sectors. With this new tool that encourages public participation, not only is it the public's right to see or obtain copies of records held by our Department, but as a result there is also greater potential for the continuous improvement in decision making that spans a wide spectrum of processes. 

All persons have an equal right of access, noting however that another person's information (personal records) can only be accessed by that person, or another person who can provide written and signed proof that he or she is acting on the subject's behalf.

Please note that the FOI process facilitates access to information through the release of records. As such, any information that is released through FOI must be in the form of a record that is already in existence. An example of a request for records would be:

I would like a copy of the record of the attendees of the Work Permit Board meeting held on Monday 8th June” (properexample of a request through FOI)

instead of…

I would like to know who attended the Work Permit Board meeting held on Monday 8th June”  (improperexample of a request through FOI)

Prior to making a FOI request, please visit our document library and disclosure log to see if the records you are seeking have already been published. 

View Disclosure logs page here


Freedom of Information Team

Petula Twinn - Information Manager

Regina Jackson (Designate)

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 2257, Grand Cayman KY1-1107, CAYMAN ISLANDS


Publication Schemes

Each public authority covered by the Freedom of Information Act has a legal duty to adopt and maintain a publication scheme in accordance with section 5 of the FOI Act. The main purpose of a publication scheme is to make information readily available without the need for specific written requests. Schemes are intended to encourage organisations to publish proactively, and develop a greater culture of openness.

The Act states that Information to be published by public authorities includes:-

  • The functions of the authority, what work it does and how it sets about its tasks.
  • The departments and agencies of the authority.
  • The subjects handled by each department or authority, with the locations of the departments and agencies and the opening hours of all offices.
  • The title and business address the Principal Officer and other key officers within the authority.
  • Classes of records held.
  • Manuals, interpretations, rules, guidelines, practices or precedents.


Grand Cayman

Apollo House West,
87 Mary Street,
George Town, Grand Cayman


+1 (345) 945-9672
+1 (800) 534-9672 (TOLL FREE)


Cayman Brac

District Administration Building,
19 Kirkconnell Street,
Stake Bay, Cayman Brac


+1 (345) 948-2222

Grand Cayman

Apollo House West,
87 Mary Street,
George Town, Grand Cayman


+1 (345) 945-9672
+1 (800) 534-9672 (TOLL FREE)


Cayman Brac

District Administration Building,
19 Kirkconnell Street,
Stake Bay, Cayman Brac


+1 (345) 948-2222

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