Making a Request

We want to help you find the information you are interested in.

If you want to request information from WORC, you should initially look at the document library and the disclosure log to see if the information you seek has already been published.

If you wish to make a request for information then you should contact the Information Manager by emailing

Requests must be in writing (letter or email and must include your name and an address (either postal or e-mail). Please be as specific as possible about the information you would like, as this will help us to respond promptly. Where possible, please include a contact telephone number so we can call to discuss your request if necessary.

We will respond to your request promptly. The FOI Act requires public authorities to respond within 30 calendar days, allowing an extension of an additional 30 calendar days if needed. We will always acknowledge receipt of FOI requests made to the Information Manager and we will let you know if we need to extend the deadline. For detailed advice on what sorts of information is exempt please see the Ombudsman website.


Fees associated with a Request for Information

There is no application fee and no fee for going to a public authority and looking at a record requested through FOI. However, a requester may be required to pay copying or change of format fees. Details concerning costs and payment are available on the Ombudsman website.


How to Make a Request

Our FOI team is here to help you gain access to any record(s) you are seeking and that is accessible to you. Accordingly, in order for a request to be considered pursuant to the FOI Act, it must be in writing by letter or email and must include your name and an address and can be submitted to our FOI team at or by post, addressed to:

The Information Manager
Workforce Opportunities and Residency Cayman
P.O. Box 2257, Grand Cayman KY1-1107


NOTE: Email submissions are received more promptly by the FOI team than any other method of submission.

In cases where personal information is being requested, proof of identification in the form of a (copy of) driver’s licence or passport must accompany your request.

Please be as specific as possible about the information you would like, as this will help us to respond promptly. You can narrow our search for records and thus minimize processing time, by including dates and names etc. that will help to identify the record you are looking for. If you are able, please include a contact telephone number in the event that we need to call to discuss your request.

Once an FOI request has been submitted, a letter acknowledging receipt of the request will be sent, no later than ten (10) days after receipt, (which is the time prescribed under the Law); however, acknowledgement is usually sent within the first few days.

The length of time in which records are provided can depend on a number of things such as, how old the record is, the level of complexity (multiple requests in one) or volume of requests being dealt with at any given time etc. In any case, our goal is to provide you with the records you have requested in as short a time as possible. Response times for decisions on requests, range anywhere from within a week to thirty (30) days. Thirty (30) days being the maximum amount of time allowed by Law to notify an applicant of a decision and then an additional fourteen (14) days to provide the record. Please note that decisions and any responsive records (records that will be released) are usually provided to the applicant at the same time, unless it serves more useful to send the decision first and the records thereafter.

In some cases, where it may be taking longer than the prescribed period, to gather the requested records and provide a decision, the response time may be extended by the Information Manager (or Designate) for an additional 30 calendar days.

In cases where a record has been requested that contains someone else’s personal information, the third party must be contacted to confirm whether or not he or she is in agreement with their information being released to an unnamed party. Cases such as these, also warrant a thirty (30) day extension to allow the third party time to respond and possibly appeal a decision that he or she finds unfavourable.

For detailed advice on what sorts of information is exempt please see the Ombudsman website.


Grand Cayman

Apollo House West,
87 Mary Street,
George Town, Grand Cayman


+1 (345) 945-9672
+1 (800) 534-9672 (TOLL FREE)


Cayman Brac

District Administration Building,
19 Kirkconnell Street,
Stake Bay, Cayman Brac


+1 (345) 948-2222