Complaints Outside Remit Of Handling Policy

What types of complaints falls outside the remit of this Policy?

WORC retains a level of responsibility for services carried out on its behalf; however, under the Policy, not all complaints will be considered, for example:

A. Appeals against WORC decisions: If the WORC Board or Director has refused, minded to revoke, forfeiture, and revocation of your application, please refer to the Letter for guidance on your rights of Appeal.

B. Security guards: Complainants should report their grievances about the behaviour of security guards to the Deputy Director of Business Operations.

C. Actions taken by or with the authority of the Director of WORC to investigate a crime or protect the security of the islands;

 D. The commencement or conduct of civil or criminal proceedings;

 E. Actions taken in connection with the Governor's power of pardon; and

 F. WORC staffing decisions made by the Government (appointments, removals, pay, discipline, or other personal matters).