
The Ready2Work KY Programme is an employment initiative that provides training and development opportunities for Caymanians who require tooling and upskilling, the development of employability skills and soft skills training to access and maintain long-term employment.

This initiative connects unemployed Caymanians with short-term employment opportunities, internships, and apprenticeships designed to lead to long-term employment. This initiative supports Caymanians as they seek to access and maintain employment by addressing the direct and indirect barriers to employment.

Ready2Work KY supports employers as they make their best efforts to employ Caymanians and support unemployed Caymanians as they seek employment. Through Ready2Work KY, employers identify unemployed Caymanians they believe have the potential to become valued employees. While the employer focuses on training in technical and subject matter skills and expertise, Ready2Work KY delivers structured training, individual and group support and other services to address various barriers to accessing and maintaining employment.

Subsidised by the Cayman Islands Government and delivered in partnership with the private sector, this employment programme provides an opportunity for the Cayman Islands Government to address the issue of unemployment head-on by facilitating a meaningful engagement between employers and unemployed Caymanians.

Caymanians interested in the Ready2Work Programme should contact us by calling 945-9672 or email

If any of the following apply to you, then Ready2Work could be just what you are looking for:

  • Unemployed, and although you are going to interviews, you cannot get a job
  • Maybe you are not even getting as far as an interview
  • Have been away from the job market for a while and are having trouble getting back in
  • New to the job market, maybe a high school or recent university graduate, and struggling to get a job
  • Been retired, still need to work, but cannot find a job
  • Found yourself in a situation where you are transitioning from one job to another and are discovering that it is not as easy as you thought it would be

If you are:

  • Caymanian (17 years of age and older)
  • Desire support accessing and maintaining employment

Ready2Work KY is government-funded, so there is no cost to participate.

Participants will be chosen using a strict selection procedure. Places are limited; however, candidates who do not secure a place may be accepted in the next available cohort.

Ready2Work will provide support and services to assist Caymanians in accessing long-term employment. The programme will provide soft skills training and development designed to address barriers to employment as identified by employers and job seekers, interview skills training, and other training and development based on the unique needs of participants.

For participants, benefits include:

  • Learning and developing a better work ethic and improving skills and competencies that meet the specific needs of the employer
  • On-the-job training and occupation-focused education
  • Better occupational, personal and job-specific skills
  • A clearer idea of what kind of job suits you
  • A chance to impress potential employers
  • A stipend
  • Access to childcare at an approved Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Centre
  • Career advancement

The Ready2Work programme is full-time, five (5) days a week, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. The programme lasts eight (8) weeks per cohort.

Cohorts - Participants Targeted:

  • Ready2Work is for Caymanians aged 17 years and older interested in self-improvement and professional development. Participants must be willing to commit to full attendance and be genuinely invested in their future. Ready2Work is for those individuals motivated to change and ready to put in the effort to secure a better future.

To apply for a spot in the Ready2Work Programme, please download the application form here.
You can submit it in one of two ways:

  • Fill the form in and email it to
  • Print the form and drop it off at WORC, 87 Mary Street, George Town, Apollo House West

For assistance with filling in the form or more information, please contact:
Phone: 345 945 9672

Please return printed forms in person to:
Workforce Opportunities & Residency Cayman
87 Mary Street, George Town
1st Floor, Apollo House West

Ready2Work KY partners with private sector employers seeking to connect with local talent. Employer partners identify an employment/internship/apprenticeship opportunity with the potential of transitioning into long-term employment. WORC partners with the employer to identify unemployed Caymanians with the potential to become valued employees whose skills and experience are aligned with the job description.

Support and services available to the employee include access to training and development, counselling support and, based on need, funding to access childcare. In addition, based on the needs of the business, a subsidy can be accessed, which provides funding to assist with the costs of the selected candidate participating in the programme. Providing support to address direct and indirect barriers to employment, Ready2Work KY facilitates a meaningful engagement between employers and unemployed Caymanians.

Employer partners are supported through the Ready2Work KY Programme Coordinator to ensure the match has the best chance of success. The participants spend most of their time mastering the job skills, while the employer focuses on training in technical and subject matter skills and expertise.

Through formal and informal assessments, progress is tracked, and services and support are adjusted to align with the needs of employee participants and employer partners.

  • Participants may bring current technology and ideas from the classroom/their experiences to the workplace, thereby increasing an organisation’s intellectual capital
  • Customised training that results in highly skilled employees trained to industry/employer specifications
  • Increased productivity and knowledge transfer due to on-the-job learning from an assigned mentor combined with related technical instruction
  • A stable and predictable pipeline for the development of qualified workers
  • The ability to conduct a ready assessment of where the employer and employee are in terms of the continuous improvement process
  • A proven training model that allows employers to set the benchmark and the structure that can determine the return on investment in training dollars.

A Ready2WorkKY Employer can be from the private sector, community, or voluntary organisations.

  • Employers must register with WORC
  • Employ a Ready2Work KY participant on an employment contract which has the potential of transitioning into long-term employment
  • Employers must be willing to comply with the Terms & Conditions document
  • Provide job descriptions for all employment opportunities; this will assist with the recruitment process and clearly define prospective participants' skill requirements and responsibilities
  • Employers must have a valid Trade and Business License

A subsidy is available to assist employers who require financial assistance to participate in Ready2Work KY for a maximum of six (6) months. If accessed, this subsidy can offset the costs related to wages, health insurance premiums and pension contributions.

Employers are responsible for determining the wage/salary and benefits offered to the Ready2Work KY participant they hire.

Employers interested in partnering should contact us by calling 945-9672 or email

Grand Cayman

Apollo House West,
87 Mary Street,
George Town, Grand Cayman


+1 (345) 945-9672
+1 (800) 534-9672 (TOLL FREE)


Cayman Brac

District Administration Building,
19 Kirkconnell Street,
Stake Bay, Cayman Brac


+1 (345) 948-2222

Quick Links


Grand Cayman

Apollo House West,
87 Mary Street,
George Town, Grand Cayman


+1 (345) 945-9672
+1 (800) 534-9672 (TOLL FREE)


Cayman Brac

District Administration Building,
19 Kirkconnell Street,
Stake Bay, Cayman Brac


+1 (345) 948-2222